This training integrates the concept of Managing with Heart and Mind and which can be applied to leadership and employee engagement and retention. It is a perfect fit to address issues that businesses across the country are facing from employee engagement and retention to crafting a productive and thriving work environment.
There is a largely untapped pool of amazing workers who happen to have disabilities of varying degrees. They are simply waiting to be discovered. As a liaison to bring together those employees and their prospective employers, Mosby Business Services helps you to discover these workers.
It’s not that the road has ended if you are facing challenges, it’s just taken a slight detour and you need an expert to help you plan for the journey ahead.
The Money and Consciousness workshop is a great opportunity for you to identify your limiting beliefs with regard to money. Through a variety of exercises, you’ll discover your strengths and weaknesses in relation to money and learn how to use affirmations and visualizations to change old beliefs.
This 10-week Heal Your Life® study group focuses on opportunities to identify and change limiting and negative beliefs through a variety of exercises using affirmations and visualization methods. This shift in mindset will enable you to enjoy the changes in your life and share the process with others.
This half-day workshop is focused on learning how to work with boundaries. What we say yes to & What we say no to defines our life. The quality of our relationships are significantly influenced by our ability to set healthy boundaries.